Have an ax to grind – 別有用心;圖謀私利/想爭個對錯

Have an ax to grind / Have an axe to grind

ax 為美式英文拼法/ axe 為英式英文拼法.


  1. 別有用心;圖謀私利
  2. 想爭個對錯


  • He may offer you a post in his firm, but he has an ax to grind, he wants to go out with your sister. (他可能讓你到他的公司任職,但他別有用心,他想跟你妹妹交往)
  • I have known Philip for a long time and can say with certainty that he is a fair man who has no axe to grind. (我認識菲立普已久,可以肯定地說,他是個沒有私心的正人君子)
  • Environmentalists just want to save the planet. They have no political ax to grind. (環保人士只是想拯救這個星球而已。他們並非想在政治上爭個對錯)

(以上內容引用自: https://englishhome.org/have-an-ax-to-grind.html)


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